
…to a unique Neurology Practice

Dr. Presant focuses on a holistic approach to her patient’s health, looking at not only their disease but all aspects of their lives. By taking time to understand the whole patient, she aims to both improve disease outcomes and promote a better quality of life.

Experience Compassionate Care

You and your family members deserve kind and caring support that is sensitive to the challenges you are facing as a person with a chronic neurologic disease.

Make Sustainable Changes in your Lifestyle

Support that helps you to make lifestyle changes that are incremental, effective and maintainable for the long-haul.

Get Evidence-Based Neurologic Care

Dr. Presant will incorporate her years of experience with the most up to date research to give you the most personalized care.

Accepting new patients with :

Parkinson’s Disease

Atypical Parkinsonism

Essential Tremors

Mild Cognitive Impariment

Early Dementia

DBS Management and Programming is also offered for Movement Disorders

If you have a question about whether Dr. Presant is the right fit for you, please click here to send a message.

Empower Your Brain!

Click here to send a message or call 805-979-1479 to schedule an appointment.